NKCL Bio Group 'Personalized Genetic Analysis Service, DNA Navigator' and Specialized N.K. Cosmetics Are Close to Launch
NKCL Bio Group is a South Korean bio company that provides immune-cell treatment using NK cells and runs an immune-care platform. Through NKCL International, a distribution and sales firm, NKCL Bio Group will finalize the launch of products that are covered with "personalized immune- care," the brand concept of NKCL Bio Group, and advance into the global market through South Korea's superior immune cell technology.
NKCL Bio Group's product line, which is expected to be released within this year, is largely a product line of ▲DNA Navigator (Personalized Genetic Analysis Service) ▲NK Blue Anti-Oxi Cosmetics ▲NK Dry Bio-cellulose Mask pack
The first DNA Navigator to be released is a DNA testing kit that provides personalized genetic analysis services. When DNA samples are simply produced through oral mucous membrane cells collection and sent to the laboratory, the individual's genetic sequence is analyzed and the individual's risk of diseases, probability of each disease, and their control and prevention
are provided.
By establishing a database of individual genetic information and providing customized management according to individual genetic characteristics, one can maximize health care and treatment effects through preventive medicine.
The examination results will be provided to customers in the form of files, and we expect to enter the global market as we can meet them with various language options such as Korean, Chinese and English," an official said.
In addition, NK Dried Bio-cellulose Mask pack was listed as a medical material as well as cosmetics material, making it a "dry bio cellulose" available in the medical and food sectors. Dry bio cellulose is suitable for the development of mask packs with the ability to contain more than 200 times the moisture weight of the dry weight, and medical materials for treating wounds and preventing contamination were used in mask packs to increase the absorption rate, moisturizing force, adsorption power and cooling sensitivity of the effective substances (held as a result of clinical tests with a 5°C drop in skin surface temperature).
NK Dried Bio-cellulose Mask Pack consists of a dry mask and two types of highly concentrated essence. If essence is injected, sensitive skin can also be used with confidence as it is less irritating and environmentally friendly by applying independent technology that recovers from dry to wet conditions within 10 seconds to prevent contamination by molds and bacteria caused by moisture in the distribution process. By omitting the high concentration preservative process required for the use of wet bio-cellulose, the sensitive skin can also be used safely.
Blue powder, the main ingredient of NK Blue Anti-Oxi Cosmetics, is a powerful antioxidant made by fermenting and cultivating lactobacillus in natural mineral active minerals such as germanium, selenium, holmium, zirconium, yttrium and magnesium. It was developed by the late Kim Jong-kyu, who earned a doctorate in engineering at Munich University of Technology in Germany and worked at the Swiss "CibaGeigy" lab for 23 years, which helps sterilize, activate blood flow, activate cells and boost immunity when applied on the skin.
NK Blue Anti-Oxi cosmetics passed the U.S. FDA's safety test and its safety has been established through various human body application tests such as the skin irritation test in Korea, where it is proven to be non-irritant.
An official at NKCL International said, "We are pleased to offer an opportunity to have a direct experience on NKCL's powerful personalized immune care in a form of our product. We will continue to release new food and beverage products customized for cancer patients, such as NK Water, which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects for cancer patients, to promote NKCL's brand concept and products, and actively target overseas markets."